Sukhdev Singh
The feeling of being unlovable is at
the root of all human sufferings.
It is easy to believe that something must be true because everyone else believes it;
But the truth often only comes to light
by daring to question the unquestionable,
by doubting notions that are so commonly believed that they are taken for granted.
Conscious Minds of most people are in out of rapport with their unconscious minds.
Success is always directly propotional to LEVEL of AWARENESS of the individual.
Life is about making choices:
Brilliance is inherent in everyone.
Mediocrity is self-inflicted.
Genius is self-bestowed.
True Happiness comes only
out of living, pursuing and serving your Life PURPOSE.
What has been programmed into your past does not predict the future.
What you INSTALL into your future will predict the future.
Sticks and Stones may break your bones
but Names can really harm you.
Every aspect of human living can, and therefore
must be organized to achieve maximum results from minimum effort.
The quality of my life is directly PROPOTIONAL to
the Definitions I adopt.